The power of accessibilityChildren view modifier in SwiftUI
SwiftUI provides us with a rich set of view modifiers to manipulate the accessibility tree of views. I covered many of them, and you can find them in the blog’s dedicated Accessibility category. This week we will talk about the accessibilityChildren view modifier and how we can benefit from it.
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The accessibilityChildren view modifier allows us to create an accessibility container for a view and populate it with the elements from a view you provide using a ViewBuilder closure. Let’s take a look at a quick example.
struct BarChartShape: Shape {
let dataPoints: [DataPoint]
func path(in rect: CGRect) -> Path {
Path { p in
let width: CGFloat = rect.size.width / CGFloat(dataPoints.count)
var x: CGFloat = 0
for point in dataPoints {
let pointRect = CGRect(
x: x,
y: rect.size.height - point.value,
width: width,
height: rect.size.height
let pointPath = RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 8).path(in: pointRect)
x += width
As you can see in the example above, we have the shape-type drawing data points we pass. We can’t provide accessibility values for every data point because the shape becomes a single view after stroking or filling it.
To learn more about accessibility view modifiers available in SwiftUI, take a look at the Accessibility category on the blog.
Fortunately, SwiftUI gives us the accessibilityChildren view modifier, especially for this case.
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var dataPoints: [DataPoint] = [
.init(id: .init(), value: 20),
.init(id: .init(), value: 30),
.init(id: .init(), value: 5),
.init(id: .init(), value: 100),
.init(id: .init(), value: 80)
var body: some View {
BarChartShape(dataPoints: dataPoints)
.accessibilityChildren {
HStack(alignment: .bottom, spacing: 0) {
ForEach(dataPoints) { point in
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 8)
By applying the accessibilityChildren view modifier, we create an accessibility container and populate it with elements from the view provided in the ViewBuilder closure. SwiftUI doesn’t render the view that we pass via ViewBuilder closure. SwiftUI uses it only for populating the accessibility tree with child elements.
To learn more about the ViewBuilder type, take a look at my “The power of @ViewBuilder in SwiftUI” post.
The main difference between the accessibilityChildren and accessibilityRepresentation view modifiers is that the first one doesn’t affect the view itself. It only creates an accessibility container for child elements where the accessibilityRepresentation view modifier completely replaces the accessibility tree of the current view.
To learn more about the benefits of the accessibilityRepresentation view modifier, look at my “The power of accessibilityRepresentation view modifier in SwiftUI” post.
Today we learned about another powerful accessibility view modifier that SwiftUI provides us. SwiftUI is doing an excellent job by giving us so many friendly APIs, simplifying the work we have to do to make our apps accessible for everyone.