Discovering Swift Async Algorithms package

Another week on a series of posts about discovering Swift packages. This week, we will discover the Swift Async Algorithms package, allowing us to completely switch from the Combine framework to the Swift Concurrency feature with async/await. We will learn what the Swift Async Algorithms package offers to eliminate the Combine framework.

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The Swift Async Algorithms package is another package that Apple maintains and provides us. You can always become a part of this great community by contributing to the package on GitHub.


The Swift Async Algorithms package offers a set of functions allowing us to combine two or three async sequences into a single sequence. For example, you can merge two async sequences in a single one and observe values from the resulting sequence.

@Observable final class CalendarStore {
    private(set) var events: [Event] = []
    func observeEvents() async {
        let dayChanges = NotificationCenter.default.notifications(named: .NSCalendarDayChanged)
        let timezoneChanges = NotificationCenter.default.notifications(named: .NSSystemTimeZoneDidChange)
        for await change in merge(dayChanges, timezoneChanges) {
            await fetchEvents()
    func fetchEvents() async {
        // ...

As you can see in the example above, we use the merge function that allows us to create a single sequence then observe day and timezone changes at once. The Swift Async Algorithms package provides not only merge functions but also combineLatest, zip, chain, and join.

@Observable final class CalendarStore {
    private(set) var events: [Event] = []
    func observeEvents() async {
        let dayChanges = NotificationCenter.default.notifications(named: .NSCalendarDayChanged)
        let timezoneChanges = NotificationCenter.default.notifications(named: .NSSystemTimeZoneDidChange)
        for await change in zip(dayChanges, timezoneChanges) {
            await fetchEvents()
    func fetchEvents() async {
        // ...

The Swift Async Algorithms package also includes grouping and filtering operators from the Swift Algorithms package but applies to async sequences like compacted for filtering nil values or chunking and removing duplicates.

To learn more about the Swift Algorithms package, take a look at my “Discovering Swift Algorithms package” post.

Time manipulations

The Swift Async Algorithms package introduces a few operators, allowing us to manipulate the sequence using time, similar to the Combine framework. For example, you can debounce and throttle async sequences.

@Observable final class CalendarStore {
    private(set) var events: [Event] = []
    func observeEvents() async {
        let dayChanges = NotificationCenter.default.notifications(named: .NSCalendarDayChanged)
        let timezoneChanges = NotificationCenter.default.notifications(named: .NSSystemTimeZoneDidChange)
        for await change in merge(dayChanges, timezoneChanges).debounce(for: .seconds(1)) {
            await fetchEvents()
    func fetchEvents() async {
        // ...

As you can see in the example above, we use the debounce function to wait for a particular period of time before emitting a value. Another helpful type that we have in The Swift Async Algorithms package is AsyncTimerSequence. It emits the current date at a given interval.

@Observable final class CalendarStore {
    private(set) var events: [Event] = []
    func observeEvents() async {
        let dayChanges = NotificationCenter.default.notifications(named: .NSCalendarDayChanged)
        let timezoneChanges = NotificationCenter.default.notifications(named: .NSSystemTimeZoneDidChange)
        let timer = AsyncTimerSequence(interval: .seconds(5), clock: .suspending)
        for await interval in timer {
            await fetchEvents(in:
    func fetchEvents(in date: Date) async {
        // ...


The AsyncChannel type allows us to replace passthrough subjects from the Combine framework. It is a great way to bridge the part of the code that doesn’t support async context with the async context in your app.

let channel = AsyncChannel<UUID>()

Task {
    for await id in channel {

await channel.send(UUID())
await channel.send(UUID())

As you can see in the example above, we use the send function on an instance of the AsyncChannel type to emit values. Conversely, the AsyncChannel conforms to the AsyncSequence protocol to support for-each loop with the await keyword. Remember to call the finish function on the channel to close the sequence.

let channel = AsyncThrowingChannel<UUID>()

Task {
    for await id in channel {

await channel.send(UUID())

There is also the AsyncThrowingChannel type with a similar functionality supporting failing with errors. Whenever you need to close the channel with an error, you can use the fail function on an instance of the AsyncThrowingChannel type.


Today we discovered the Swift Async Algorithms package, allowing us to move completely from the Combine framework to the Swift Concurrency feature. I hope you enjoy the post. Feel free to follow me on Twitter and ask your questions related to this post. Thanks for reading, and see you next week!