Redux-like state container in SwiftUI. Basics.

This week we will talk about building a state container similar to Redux and The Elm Architecture that provides a single source of truth for your app. A single state for the whole app makes it easier to debug and inspect. Single source of truth eliminates tons of bugs produced by creating multiple states across the app.

Accessibility in SwiftUI

This week I want to talk to you about Accessibility in SwiftUI. SwiftUI provides a ready to use accessibility implementation for standard User Interface elements like Text, Button, Toggle, etc. In most of the cases, you don’t need to do something additional to make it work. But I will show how you can modify the accessibility tree by using accessibility modifiers to improve your User Experience.

Modeling app state using Store objects in SwiftUI

This week I want to talk to you about modeling data layer in SwiftUI. I already finished work on my very first app, which I build entirely with SwiftUI. And now I can share with you the way of architecting model layer using store objects which I used during the development of NapBot.

Composable styling in SwiftUI

This week I want to talk about the styling of views in SwiftUI. SwiftUI provides a pretty composable architecture for building your apps. Every screen in terms of SwiftUI is a function on some data which returns a view. So let’s talk today about composable and highly reusable styling options which we have in SwiftUI.

The power of Environment in SwiftUI

Environment is one of the unique features of SwiftUI which we didn’t have before in UIKit. Today I would like to show you all the benefits of using Environment in your apps.

Building BarChart with Shape API in SwiftUI

This week I want to show you how to use Shape API in SwiftUI. We will take a look at ready to use shapes like Circle, Capsule, Rectangle, etc. We will learn how to draw super custom shapes by using Path and GeometryReader. In the end, we will build BarChart implementation ultimately in SwiftUI.

ViewModifiers in SwiftUI

ViewModifiers play a significant role in SwiftUI. Most of the functions called on a View are ViewModifiers. It is the primary way of modifying the view instance in SwiftUI. In this post, we will take a look at some ready to use ViewModifiers, and then we will build our own custom ViewModifier.

Introducing Container views in SwiftUI

During app development using SwiftUI, you can see that your views are very coupled with the data flow. Views fetch and render the data, handle user input and actions, etc. By doing so many things views become very fat and we can’t reuse them across the app. Let’s take a look at a different way of decomposing views by using Container Views.

Navigation in SwiftUI

This week I want to talk about Navigation in SwiftUI. SwiftUI provides both declarative and imperative ways of implementing navigation in your apps. Today we will cover two ways of Master-Detail navigation available in SwiftUI. We will learn how use NavigationLink, and how to do programmatic navigation in SwiftUI.