Discovering app features with TipKit. Customizations.
The final post on the topic of the TipKit framework is customization points. This week, we will learn how to customize a tip look and feel in our apps using the TipKit framework.
The final post on the topic of the TipKit framework is customization points. This week, we will learn how to customize a tip look and feel in our apps using the TipKit framework.
This week, we will continue discussing how to highlight app features using the TipKit framework. TipKit provides a flexible way of customizing the condition under which tips should appear.
When I first discovered the title TipKit, I didn’t expect that it would be super helpful for every app I built. TipKit is a new framework that allows you to highlight your app’s features easily. This week, we will learn how to use the TipKit framework to make our app content more discoverable.
What I love most about SwiftUI is how the same code adapts to the environment and provides platform-specific solutions. This is how SwiftUI allows us to run the same code on all Apple platforms available on the market. This week, we will talk about inspectors, another API that perfectly adapts the platform it is running for.
SwiftUI introduced a set of view modifiers, allowing us to manage the safe area in our views efficiently. In many cases, the safe area is where you want to put your content. Today, we will learn about the new content margin concept that SwiftUI introduced and how it differs from the safe area.
Notifications are crucial for keeping users engaged with your app. Almost all of my apps provide notifications that not only launch the app but also navigate to different parts of the app. Today, I want to share how I build deep links for local notifications in my apps.
The recent version of the SwiftUI framework introduces a trigger value pattern across its APIs. Trigger value allows us to attach a view modifier that runs its action whenever the trigger value changes. You can find this pattern while using sensory feedback or launching keyframe animation in SwiftUI. This week, we will learn how to build custom view modifiers using trigger value pattern.
Swift Concurrency became a vital part of my development stack. I leverage the power of the new Swift Concurrency features like async/await and task groups almost everywhere. SwiftUI Button type doesn’t support Swift Concurrency out of the box, but it is flexible enough to allow us to build a button type supporting Swift Concurrency.
Apple released Swift 5.5 almost three years ago. The main addition to the release was the Swift Concurrency feature. It introduced async and await keywords, allowing us to build concurrent apps in a new way. This week, we will learn how Swift determines where to run your function in a concurrent environment.
The Swift language allows us to define thread-safe types using actors. Actor type automatically manages exclusive access to the data it protects. But what if we need multiple types protected with a mutually exclusive access? That’s why we have global actors, and today, we will learn how to use global actors in Swift.