Microapps architecture in Swift. SPM basics.

This week I want to start a series of posts about the new approach I use to build scalable apps in Swift. Microapps architecture allows you to reduce the compile-time and enhances the separation of concerns in your codebase. Teams can produce a module per feature and run it as a separate app to improve the value delivery.

SF Symbols in SwiftUI

Apple provides us with a set of different icons available across all the platforms called SF Symbols. SF Symbols package contains more than 3200 icons that we can use to visualize different states and actions in our apps. This week we will learn how to utilize the power of SF Symbols in SwiftUI views.

Structural identity in SwiftUI

Structural identity is the type of identity that SwiftUI uses to understand your views without an explicit identifier by using your layout description. This week we will learn how to improve performance and eliminate unwanted animations by using inert view modifiers in SwiftUI.

Customizing view content shape in SwiftUI

Usually, SwiftUI uses rectangles to render views, but we can control the shape of the view by using the clipShape view modifier. This week we will learn how to modify the interactable shape of the view during hit-testing or previewing drag and drop by using the brand new contentShape view modifier.

Mastering ProgressView in SwiftUI

Many of our apps do heavy work on background threads like networking or data processing. We usually want to display progress or the activity indicator of the ongoing work. This week we will learn how to use ProgressView to present both indeterminate and determinate progress in SwiftUI.

The many faces of ShapeStyle in SwiftUI

ShapeStyle is the protocol that we have from the very first release of the SwiftUI framework. ShapeStyle defines a color or pattern to use when rendering a shape. This week we will learn the many faces of ShapeStyle protocol and different implementations provided by the SwiftUI framework.

Displaying badges in SwiftUI

One of the many things included in SwiftUI Release 3 was the ability to display badges. SwiftUI Release 3 provides you with the badge view modifier that we can use to generate badges in lists and tabs. This week we will learn how to use the badge view modifier and customize the look and feel of badges.

Managing safe area in SwiftUI

A safe area defines the area within a view that isn’t covered by a navigation bar, tab bar, toolbar, or other views. SwiftUI views respect safe areas out of the box. But there are plenty of situations when you need to customize this behavior. This week we will learn how to manage the safe area in SwiftUI.

Blur effect and materials in SwiftUI

SwiftUI has the blur view modifier from the very first day. It allows us to build super custom blur effects quickly. On the other hand, SwiftUI Release 3 gives us the new Material type that specifies different blur effects defined in Human Interface Guidelines. This week we will learn how to use the blur view modifier and the new Material type to build translucent effects.

Mastering ControlGroup in SwiftUI

One of the new container views delivered in SwiftUI Release 3 was the ControlGroup view. The ControlGroup view displays semantically-related controls in a visually appropriate manner for the context. This week we will learn how to use and customize the appearance of the ControlGroup view in SwiftUI.