Building custom Combine operators in Swift

Combine looks like a very sophisticated framework and provides you all the needed things you might need to process your data. It comes with many valuable operators like map, filter, and reduce. This week we will learn how to build new operators that we might miss from the default package.

Accessibility actions in SwiftUI

SwiftUI provides us accessible views out of the box, and usually, you don’t need to do anything to build an accessible app for your users. But there is always room for improvements and additional functionality that you can create using Accessibility API. This week we will learn how to provide custom accessibility actions for SwiftUI views.

Designing API using Combine framework

Combine framework provides a declarative Swift API for processing values over time. It allows you to chain, transform and reduce multiple operations. This week we will learn how to design our APIs using the Combine framework to leverage all the data processing power that the framework provides us.

Writing idiomatic Swift code

Today is a great day to start learning iOS development. iOS development evolves every year and brings us new things to learn. This post should be valuable for the people who move to Swift from another programming language. This week we will talk about Swift idioms and how to write idiomatic Swift code.

UI Testing using Page Object pattern in Swift

We talked a lot about different design patterns, which help us maintain the codebase by solving various issues. But what about testing? What can we do to keep our UI tests in a maintainable and consistent state? This week we will talk about the Page Object pattern that allows us to build a foundation for our UI tests.

UI Testing in Swift with XCTest framework

I’m not going to talk about the importance of testing in general, but I want to talk about UI testing. One obvious benefit of UI testing over Unit Testing is the opportunity to write UI tests even when you have a smelling and deeply coupled codebase. This week we will learn how to write UI tests both for SwiftUI and UIKit-based projects.

Mastering SwiftUI previews

This week, I want to talk about one of the most powerful Xcode features, SwiftUI previews. SwiftUI previews allow you to look at your SwiftUI views inside Xcode without running the app in the simulator. You can also preview UIKit views and controllers by wrapping them in SwiftUI. Today we will learn about all the powerful features of previews in Xcode.

FocusedValue and FocusedBinding property wrappers in SwiftUI

The last year Apple has done a great job in terms of focus management in SwiftUI. We got a few new modifiers to set up an entry point for the focus system and programmatically handle focus changes. We still have some gaps, and I hope Apple will fill them during WWDC21. This week I want to talk about FocusedValue, FocusedObject, and FocusedBinding property wrappers.

GraphQL in Swift

I spent last weeks sharing more about type-safety and building robust APIs in Swift. I want to continue the type-safety topic by talking about GraphQL. GraphQL is a query language for your API. This week we will talk about the benefits of GraphQL, and we will learn how to utilize it in Swift.

Phantom types in Swift

Not every language with a static type system has so strong type-safety like Swift. Swift features like phantom types, generic type extensions, enums with associated types create an excellent foundation. This week we will learn how to use phantom types to build type-safe APIs.