This week I want to talk about grids in SwiftUI. It was the most expected feature. Everybody has been waiting for UICollectionView alternative in SwiftUI, and finally, it arrived this year. SwiftUI provides us LazyVGrid and LazyHGrid views that we can use to build grid-based layouts.
This week I decided to share as much as I can about data flow in SwiftUI. In this post, we will discuss the difference between @StateObject, @EnvironmentObject, and @ObservedObject property wrappers. I know that this is the most confusing topic in SwiftUI for newcomers.
WWDC20 brought a lot of new features into SwiftUI that I will discuss on my blog during the next weeks. Today I would like to start with the main additions to SwiftUI data flow with the brand new @StateObject, @AppStorage, @SceneStorage, and @ScaledMetric property wrappers.
I have been waiting for this day for the last nine months, and it has finally arrived. We saw the next iteration of the SwiftUI framework. Apple did a great job during the last year by improving SwiftUI and moving it towards by making it a standalone way for building apps for the Apple ecosystem. Today we will take a peek at all-new SwiftUI features.
WWDC20 is already around the corner, and we are waiting for massive changes and additions to the SwiftUI framework. It is a perfect week to wrap up the season with a post about one of the strongest sides of the SwiftUI framework, which is animation. Today we will learn how to build complex animations by using VectorArithmetic protocol.
We already started collecting our questions for Apple engineers. On the other hand, I decided to share with you my SwiftUI wishlist for WWDC20. This week we will talk about possible additions and changes in SwiftUI. I will show you also API that I expect to see during the next release of SwiftUI.
This week I want to talk to you about another view component that we have in SwiftUI. Today we will deep dive into image view. Image view provides us a lot of nice features that we don’t have in UIImageView like rendering mode, resizing options, interpolation, etc.
This week I want to continue the topic of layout system in SwiftUI. The SwiftUI layout engine works predictably, and usually, an outcoming result looks like we expect. Today, to make this process even more apparent, we will talk about fitting and filling views in SwiftUI.
Today I want to share with you a technique that I use a lot in SwiftUI. It helps me to solve the problem when I need to place a vertical or horizontal stack with equal-sized views that support Dynamic Type. I didn’t find the right name for this approach and call it template-view.
One of the most expected features of SwiftUI 2.0 is a SwiftUI alternative to UICollectionView. UICollectionView provides us an easy way to build super custom interfaces like calendar or photos grid. But today, I want to show you that we can create a calendar view without UICollectionView by using only pure SwiftUI.