Background tasks in SwiftUI

One of the exciting frameworks released along with iOS 13 was the BackgroundTasks framework. It allows you to schedule work intelligently in the background. Finally, we can handle background tasks using the SwiftUI app lifecycle. This week we will learn how to schedule and handle background tasks in SwiftUI.

The power of task view modifier in SwiftUI

Task view modifier is the key to the Swift Concurrency world through SwiftUI. It allows us to build complex async tasks by leveraging the power of cooperative cancellation and the lifecycle of a SwiftUI view. This week we will learn all the powerful features of the task view modifier in SwiftUI.

Mastering NavigationStack in SwiftUI. Deep Linking.

This week we will continue exploring the new Navigation API in SwiftUI. One of the benefits of the new data-driven Navigation API is the programmatic navigation with deep-linking possibilities. Let’s dive into the new API by learning how to build programmatic deep navigation flows.

Mastering NavigationStack in SwiftUI. Navigator Pattern.

SwiftUI is the declarative data-driven framework allowing us to build complex user interfaces by defining the data rendering on the screen. Navigation was the main pain point of the framework from the very first day. Fortunately, things have changed since WWDC 22, and SwiftUI provides the new data-driven Navigation API. This week we will learn how to use the new Navigation API to build complex user flows.

What is new in SwiftUI after WWDC22

WWDC22 brings tons of new features to SwiftUI and makes it a full-featured UI framework that we can use daily. Unfortunately, most of the new features are available on iOS 16 and macOS 13. This post will cover the most significant additions and changes to the SwiftUI framework.

The power of accessibilityChildren view modifier in SwiftUI

SwiftUI provides us with a rich set of view modifiers to manipulate the accessibility tree of views. I covered many of them, and you can find them in the blog’s dedicated Accessibility category. This week we will talk about the accessibilityChildren view modifier and how we can benefit from it.

Mastering TimelineView in SwiftUI

TimelineView is a SwiftUI view type that updates its body according to a provided schedule. We used to see SwiftUI views updating its body whenever the data it presents changes. TimelineView doesn’t follow this rule and allows us to build a super-custom schedule to update its content in a precise way. We will learn how to use TimelineView to create time-based views this week.

Modeling errors in Swift

The new Swift Concurrency feature doesn’t only bring new opportunities for writing safer and more maintainable async code but also changes the way we handle errors. I didn’t use throw-catch keywords too much in my legacy code because usually, I had a completion callback with the Result type handled by the switch operator. This week we will talk about modeling error types and how we will address them in Swift with throw-catch keywords.

Measuring app performance in Swift

The Unified Logging System is a great way to build a proper logging system allowing you to understand different exceptional cases happening in your app. But it is not limited only to logging. It also provides a way to measure various events in your app. This week, we will learn how to use the Unified Logging System to measure app performance.

Exporting data from Unified Logging System in Swift

We discussed building a proper logging system instead of using the print function in the previous post. Apple provides us a framework to utilize its logging system backed by on-disk persistence. This week we will talk about exporting logs from the user devices by leveraging the power of the Unified Logging System.