SwiftUI provides us a very fast and easy to use diffing algorithm, but as you might know, diffing is a linear operation. It means that diffing will be very fast for simple layouts and can take some time for a complicated layout.
I took a one week break from SwiftUI topic when we were talking about building networking in Swift using functions. It’s time to go back to SwiftUI. This week we will talk about view preferences, which is another powerful concept of SwiftUI views that allows us to pass data through view hierarchy.
This week I want to talk about building a networking layer in Swift using Functional programming. Functional programming is a way of making programs using pure functions and function composition. Let’s see how we can use it to build a flexible and composable network layer.
This year we had a massive change in iOS development world. We got a SwiftUI framework. SwiftUI is a brand new declarative way of building apps for Apple ecosystem. Let’s build our learning curve. I want to share with you the list of all the needed posts to learn SwiftUI.
This week I want to continue the series of posts about building custom interactive views in SwiftUI. Today we will create a pager view. ScrollView in SwiftUI support only scrolling content and doesn’t have paging behavior. That’s why we will build a pager view that supports paging mode.
Last week we started a series of posts about developing interactive components using SwiftUI, where we talked about building the bottom sheet. We need to understand the power of @ViewBuilder before moving to the next post about building another interactive view. That’s why this week, we will talk about @ViewBuilder and its benefits while developing custom views.
This week I want to start a series of posts about building interactive view components that Apple heavily uses in its apps but doesn’t include them into the SDK. Let’s begin with the bottom sheet. I think everybody used Apple Maps, Shortcut or Apple Music apps. There is a draggable sheet at the bottom of the screen. It looks like bottom sheet is going to be a must-use component, so let’s try to implement it in SwiftUI.
Currently, I have three ongoing SwiftUI projects. During my work on these projects, I find myself in copying some extension files, which are very helpful in any SwiftUI based project. That’s why I decide to share with you that small foundation of useful extensions.
Combine is one of the new frameworks released during WWDC 2019. It provides a declarative Swift API for processing values over time. Today we will talk about one of the hidden features of SwiftUI views, which is onReceive modifier. It allows views to subscribe and react as soon as the publisher emits the value.
Last week I saw that the community tries to move UIKit development patterns to SwiftUI. But I’m sure that the best way to write efficient SwiftUI is to forget everything about UIKit and entirely change your mindset in terms of User Interface development. This week we will learn the main differences between UIKit and SwiftUI development.