Feedback helps people know what an app is doing, discover what they can do next, and understand the results of actions. This week I am going to talk about the Haptic Feedback Engine which provided by Apple in most of the devices.
Last week we touched the entirely new topic on my blog. This week we will continue the Unit Testing subject. One of the smells of a good architecture is the ability to cover it with Unit Tests. Today we will talk about extracting Presentation logic into testable and straightforward pieces of code.
Today we are going to touch the completely new topic on my blog, and it is Unit Testing. Most of us heard about the pros of Unit Testing. I want to show how easily you can start with Unit Testing by covering your model layer. So let’s start with the definition.
Enums are one of my favorite features in Swift language. This week we will talk about Result enum, which had been a part of the standard library since Swift 5. With Result enum, we can easily describe the resulting state of an asynchronous operation. It can be success or failure at one time not both of them. Let’s take a look at Result enum definition in the Swift standard library.
Enums are one of the most powerful features of Swift language. It forms Value-Oriented Programming in conjunction with Structs. Enum is the best way to describe the exclusive state in Swift, but what about the case when you need an inclusive state. Today we will talk about OptionSet protocol and how we can achieve inclusive states with it.
Apple promotes iPad as the primary computer for regular users. This trend is visible during the last couple of years. More and more users start to use iPad as the main device. I think it is essential to support iPad screens and efficiently use that space. This week we will talk about adapting apps for iPad with the help of UISplitViewController.
Most of our apps present lists or grids of some data by using UITableView or UICollectionView. Often users can update this list by using Pull-to-Refresh technique or by pressing the update button. Everybody knows how to update UITableView by calling the reloadData method on the tableView instance. But what about animation? ReloadData method is invalidating the current items provided by data source and draws new ones without any animation. Today we will talk about animating data changes in UITableView and UICollectionView.
There are a lot of third-party libraries which provide Dependency Injection for Swift apps. In my opinion, Swift has a powerful type system which gives us the ability to make type-safe Dependency Injection easily. Today we will talk about using Dependency Injection in Swift with the power of protocols.
Container view controllers are a way to combine the content from multiple ViewControllers into a single user interface. Child ViewControllers are one of the undervalued features of iOS SDK. We use it every day by use of UINavigationController or UITabBarController. Last week we talked about using ViewController containment feature to create FlowControllers. But today we are going to discuss how to use this feature to build complex screens.